Good Evening! Here are this week's announcements!
Middle School - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ou8X1PTxKd03BBna3R1VmO6ZoRNHnsVzjE9S24jbEDQ/edit?usp=sharing
High School - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XLH_FLlr1eg1cAVjFT-sFd7_LgKqB5vEkprOYLJAxQ4/edit?usp=sharing

RCS HOSA spent March and part of April selling shamrocks to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). Their goal was to raise $1,025, which was what they raised last year, and they beat that goal, raising $1,031! All the proceeds go towards MS research, summer camps, and services for MDA families. We are so #BulldogProud of these students for working hard to raise money for such a great cause!

The HS Varsity Baseball game, the HS Varsity Girls' Soccer game, and the MS Girls' Soccer game scheduled for today have all been canceled.

Update: Today's HS Varsity Baseball game is canceled and will NOT be played on Friday.

A reminder that the International Travel Committee is looking for YOUR help in determining our next trip to Europe. Next's year trip is to Italy and Greece is all lined up however, we are currently in the process of selecting the spring 2026 trip. The International Travel Committee wants you to fill out this form to help decide.
The form will contain the 5 destinations that the committee has initially chosen to offer. Each destination includes a paragraph description as well as an approximate price. ( Please keep in mind the price may vary as we are still two years out) They are asking you to rank the choices between 1 and 5 of the destinations you would most likely want to go. You will have about a week to complete the survey. We appreciate your help!

The book fair is happening now through April 14!
You can purchase books in 3 different ways this week!
1. In the RCS Library from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily
2. Online at QuailRidgeBooks.com now through April 14, using code RCS0424. More information about ordering online is on the attached flier
3. At Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh next week! At check out just say your purchase is for the Roxboro Community School Book Fair
If you are planning to pay by check, please MAKE IT PAYABLE TO QUAIL RIDGE BOOKS, NOT RCS.
Cash and credit/debit cards will be accepted as well.
Come out and support our library!

Today's high school lacrosse game has been canceled.
Today's high school women's soccer game has also been canceled.

Parents and Students,
The International Travel Committee is looking for YOUR help in determining our next trip to Europe. Next's year trip is to Italy and Greece is all lined up( we have about 10 spots still available, if you would like more information about this trip, please email ablinedc@roxborocommunityschool.org) however, we are currently in the process of selecting the spring 2026 trip. The International Travel Committee will be sending out a survey(google form) after Spring break. The form will contain the 5 destinations that the committee has initially chosen to offer. Each destination will include a one paragraph description as well as an approximate price. ( Please keep in mind the price may vary as we are still two years out) We are asking you to rank the choices between 1 and 5 of the destinations you would most likely want to go. You will have about a week to complete the survey. We appreciate your help in this matter.
The International Travel Committee

High school cheer tryouts will be April 9th, 10th, and 11th at 3:30 in the MPR. You can sign up here: https://forms.gle/jQxt75Ut9AQD6stL9

Congratulations to our High School Band for earning the highest rating of Superior at the Carowinds Music Festival on Saturday, March 23, 2024. They performed three pieces and were evaluated by college band directors and one band composer.
Two years ago, our band earned the highest rating of Superior in Grade 2 music. This year they earned the Superior in Grade 3 music. Way to go, Bulldogs!!! #BulldogProud

Today's High School baseball game vs Oxford Prep has been moved up to 5:00pm.

Tomorrow morning we will be hosting the Reality Store for our 8th grade students and we could still use a few more volunteers! If you would like to volunteer to help, please fill out the Google Form that is linked below. Once you submit this form, you will be contacted and given more details. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrja7qZ8E6CoOFyy-1zuNCb83uBTVkrS8tPJJ1WoCmaFbqQw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
If you have questions, please contact Kara Roberts at robertskw@roxborocs.org or 336.597.0020.

Get excited!! Next week we will be having a spring spirit week to help raise money for prom!! It will be $2 a day to participate! No leggings, tights or yoga pants. School modesty rules always apply and administration does have final say.
Check out each day's theme!

Good evening! Here are this week's announcements!
Middle School - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DwWMNx9N1CmmAs7PKRBOsjeLhzCmw3w-flR6ayNsLjM/edit?usp=sharing
High School - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ifVa1OQ-yM0BgLKr_FxPyiH9e7QLKxW9As1DLIqL2Ng/edit?usp=sharing

Check out what some of our students and staff did for the last Bulldog Care Day of the year!

Don't forget, tomorrow is a $2 Jeans Day! Proceeds will go towards the Spain trip!

Mark your calendar for our RCS Spring Book Fair, scheduled for April 8 - 14!
We are excited about continuing to partner with Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh (https://www.quailridgebooks.com/) on a fair curated specifically for our students and staff! You will be able to purchase books in the RCS Library, online, and/or at Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh during that week. There will be more information to come.
Thank you for supporting our library!

Dance for Change will be held Thursday, March 21st at 7 pm in the multipurpose room. Monetary donations as well as gift cards will be accepted for admission. All proceeds will be donated to Angie Hopkins, one of our RCS staff members, who recently lost her home and its contents in a house fire. Join us for a great show as RCS dance classes Dance for Change!

Friday is the last day to order a yearbook! Order yours before it's too late!!
Middle School - https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/clients/roxboro-community-middle-school/2023-2024-yearbooks-760/access?clearSessionAuthentication=1
High School - https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/clients/roxboro-community-school/2023-2024-high-school-yearbooks-9-12-only/access?clearSessionAuthentication=1

Reminder, there will be no hot lunch served tomorrow due to Bulldog Care Day! There will be limited snacks available for purchase.