The winter sports season may be over, but we want to congratulate some of the athletes on their Triangle North Athletics Conference Awards!
Women's Basketball All-Conference Selections
Katie Mann
Karrie Obie
Robin Puryear
Leah Pool
Men's Basketball All-Conference Selection
Carver Pleasant
Katie Mann was also named TNAC Defensive Player of the Year and chosen for the
NCBCA Women’s 3rd Team All-District (6th District).
Congratulations to all these amazing student-athletes! #BulldogProud

It's game day for our HS Lacrosse team! Come out and support!

We need volunteers in the dining hall this month! Please let Ms. Martin know if you can volunteer at martincn@roxborocommunityschool.org or 336-597-0020

Good evening! Here are this week's announcements!
Middle School - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yx_2E6E3lGmGiKeC1nFjgWMe_xk27bdwR4A8zq10K4k/edit?usp=sharing
High School - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dtjEzJg5atsQIMN5CkYBfD28BEzOhEAcny4NeBJ0kBI/edit?usp=sharing

Tonight's High School Baseball game against Southern High School has been canceled.

Today's Middle School Baseball game at Southern Middle School has been canceled due to field conditions. The MS Softball game will still be played.

After two years of HARD work, the RCS softball field is ready to be played on! Come join us for a ribbon cutting to celebrate on March, 15 at 4:30 p.m. at Optimist Park! Then stick around to watch the RCS softball team play against Person High School at 6 p.m. We are so thankful for all the support we have received during this process and look forward to celebrating that next week!

Here are this week's announcements!
Middle School: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QWSNqdyj_2ZWsWPM34aAXPMI5vm91gsQh75SAgd6dPQ/edit?usp=sharing
High School: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UeEZS4MUI41WZpEpktVb2Fi-zBr9txqBliKB6ys6nMY/edit?usp=sharing

Our lottery is only a week away, which means there are only a few more days of open enrollment! Enrollment is open until Tuesday, March 5th, so get your application in ASAP! The link to apply is on the Enrollment Page of our website (https://www.roxborocs.org/page/enrollment).
A few reminders
* Students who are currently attending Roxboro Community School DO NOT need to re-apply to attend next school year.
* Siblings of current students or alumni DO need to complete an application to attend RCS next year. They are given preference in the lottery because they are the sibling** of a current student or alumni. But they do have to apply by the March 5, 2024 deadline or the Lotterease computer system will automatically place them on a waiting list. [**"Sibling" includes brothers or sisters, half-siblings, step-siblings, or foster siblings living in the same household.]
* Paper copies of the 2024-2025 application are available at the Front Desk for anyone who does not have internet or computer access.
For more information about applying, contact RCS Registrar, Jodi DeVillier, at 336.597.0020, ext 322 or devillierjh@roxborocs.org if you have questions or concerns.

Roxboro Community School seeks a Middle School Social Studies Teacher, effective August 2024. A Bachelor's degree and a North Carolina teaching certification are both required. Please send resumes and/or direct questions to Darkarai Bryant, Managing Executive Director, at bryantds@roxborocs.org or call 336-597-0020.
Roxboro Community School (RCS), a public charter school, offers students in grades 6-12 a college preparatory course of study in a small, nurturing environment. RCS participates in the North Carolina State retirement and State Health Plan, and offers the Pierce Group Flexible benefits program and a $10,000 life and accidental death and dismemberment policy at no cost to employees.

The 1st round of the NCHSAA Women's Basketball Playoffs begin tonight!
Roxboro Community School women's basketball team will play at North Duplin HS tonight, at 6 pm. The admission fee is $7. There will be a clear bag policy and everyone must come through the metal detector.
Let's go, Bulldogs!!!

RCS HOSA will be hosting a Red Cross blood drive on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. We are looking for student donors! If you are at least 16 years of age and are interested in donating blood, please see Emma Pryor on Thursday, February 29th. There will be a table set up outside of the Multipurpose Room during lunchtime. You can sign up to donate at the upcoming blood drive or you can ask any questions you may have about the blood drive. 16 and 17 year old donors must provide a signed parental consent form to donate blood and these forms will be provided to students on Thursday.

Student spotlights are back!
This week's middle school spotlight is Caden Cole! He was chosen because he is a hard worker who shows his character through his actions in and out of the classroom!
This week's high school spotlight is Alexander Heindselman! He was chosen because he is an excellent academic student as well as a fantastic student-athlete!
Read more about these amazing students here: https://www.roxborocs.org/article/1477211

The high school band concert is this Thursday, February 29 at 6:30 p.m. in the MPR.
Come hear the music the high school band will perform at the Carowinds Music Festival in March.

The Jr. Beta Club is collecting donations of items and pop tabs from aluminum cans for the Ronald McDonald House for the Spring project! If you would like to donate, please drop off your donations at the front desk here at RCS!
See the attached flyers to see what donations they are requesting.
Again, all donations are to be dropped off at RCS, not the address on the flyers.

Middle school baseball practice is canceled for today. Next practice will be Monday 3:30-5:30 p.m. at Optimist Park.
We will also have a quick parent meeting right after practice.

Don't forget, tomorrow is a $2 Jeans day! All the proceeds will go to Prom!

Don't forget, tomorrow is the last day of early bird pricing for yearbooks! You can order yours online at the links below! See the flyers for additional instructions if needed.
Middle School - https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/search/YB28035
$35 - Early Bird Pricing from now until February 23
$40 - Regular Pricing from February 24 until March 15
High School - https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/search/YB28034
$55 - Early Bird Pricing from now until February 23
$60 - Regular Pricing from February 24 until March 15

Senior parents and family! In case you've missed the emails, this is your last week to purchase a senior ad for the yearbook! You can see the information about sizing and prices in the flyer. You can reserve an ad by filling out this form by February 23. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduTL4KIWwoWl98l8XwjA88L4xMExJSUdai_fW5xALisUyVmA/viewform

Good Evening! Here are this week's announcements! Middle School - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gy9lwjVFegu5AyjkrE9xIuwO4TaW5wpZWfKV0o3qrNA/edit?usp=sharing High School - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1asEctTR4OgJrGgTqcO9TxR6COIbgks7CxEjAgudVyd8/edit?usp=sharing