RCS is seeking substitute teachers for the 2020-21 school year. Please contact Mrs. Graham at the front desk for an application.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Please pre-order for the August menu at www.myschoolaccount.com according to your two-day schedule. Monday - Papa John's Pizza; Tuesday - Chicken tenders, mac & cheese, green beans, roll. OR Thursday - Chicken tenders, mac & cheese, green beans, roll; Friday - Papa John's Pizza. Email Mrs. Russ at russbs@roxborocs.org with questions. The email to pre-order salads will be sent each morning. It is to be filled out by 9 a.m.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS will host drop/add next week for high school students. Drop/add forms and parking passes were emailed to parents and students today. August 3 -- 12th grade, August 4 -- 11th grade, and August 5 -- 9th/10th grades. Drop/add will begin at 8:30 a.m. each day, and close at 2 p.m. with lunch from 12 to 12:30 p.m. Everyone entering the building must wear a face mask. For those families that can not attend drop/add face to face, 9th/10th graders should email forms to Jodi DeVillier (devillierjh@roxborocs.org) and 11th/12th graders should email forms to LaTonya Ragland (raglandlr@roxborocs.org). We will also accept parking passes for 11th and 12th grade students on their indicated drop/add day. Please fill out the parking pass form and submit it to Mrs. Graham in the front office.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS parents, please check your email or go to the RCS Reopening plan on the website -- http://roxboronc.apptegy.us/o/roxboro-community-school/page/rcs-reopening-plan -- for important information about school reopening. There is a survey we need you to complete by Monday, 7/27.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
As of today, Governor Cooper still has not made a decision regarding the reopening of schools this fall. RCS STILL PLANS TO WAIT ON HIS GUIDANCE AND DECISION. In an effort to keep everyone informed, we have listed a brief explanation of what each plan will look like at RCS this fall. The decision on which plan will be used will be made after the governor makes his decision, and the State Board of Education provides input on school openings. Plan A - This requires minimal social distancing and allows 100% of our students to attend campus daily. At RCS, this would be a normal school day with some social distancing. Plan B - This requires moderate social distancing and allows only 50% of our students to attend campus at any given time. Below is Plan B for RCS: Monday-Tuesday: ½ of our MS and HS students attend campus. The other ½ of MS and HS students will use remote learning. Wednesday - Deep cleaning of the entire building. All students - remote learning. Thursday-Friday: ½ of MS and HS students attend campus (the students who used remote learning on Monday and Tuesday). The group who attended campus on Monday and Tuesday will remain at home and use remote learning. Students will eat lunch in their classrooms. Temperature checks and illness screenings will be provided for all students and staff as well as anyone entering the building. Students and staff will be required to wear a mask. Plan C - Students will not be permitted to attend campus. All learning will be remote. Once the governor decides which reopening plan to use and the State Board of Education provides guidance, we will communicate the details of that particular plan with everyone.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS Parents, Mr. Whittemore needs your help to form an email list for incoming 6th grade parents. If you are receiving emails from RCS Communications, you do not need to fill out the form again for grades 7-12. However, all 6th grade parents need to fill it out even if you already have a student here. The document link is: https://forms.gle/GBab1KpwNj7Mr9b68
over 4 years ago, Earl Whittemore
RCS parents, students and teachers, please fill out this survey -- https://forms.gle/ykmwJLZJtUdiZY7i9 -- regarding remote instruction for the upcoming school year. We need your answers by Tuesday, July 14.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS will be closed Monday, July 6, in observance of the July 4 holiday. Happy Independence Day, Bulldogs!
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
There has been a schedule change in high school men’s soccer workouts. They will begin on Tuesday, July 14, at 6 pm at the RCS athletic field. Updated physicals and completed initial screening form are required prior to workouts. Remember to bring your own water bottle, cleats, and shin guards. Contact head coach Chad Lawson at chad5477@yahoo.com with questions.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS Parents and Students, As you are probably aware, Governor Cooper was supposed to make an announcement today regarding plans for reopening schools this fall. He has postponed his announcement, however. We will let you know as soon as we have information to share.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
High school men’s soccer workouts will begin on Monday, July 13 at 6 pm at RCS athletic field. Updated physicals and completed initial screening form are required prior to workouts. Remember to bring your own water bottle, cleats, and shin guards. Contact head coach Chad Lawson at chad5477@yahoo.com with questions.
over 4 years ago, Roxboro Community Athletics
Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who are interested in Battle of the Bulldogs (RCS’ version of Battle of the Books) for the 2020-2021 school year, please email Mrs. Shattuck at shattuckcc@roxborocs.org, Mrs. Lewis at lewishs@roxborocs.org, or Mrs. Stultz at stultzbt@roxborocs.org and let them know. They will send you the book list for this year and information about our club!
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
High school lacrosse workouts will begin on Saturday, June 27, 9-11 am at RCS athletic field. Updated physical and completed initial screening form are required prior to workouts. Contact head coach David Oakley at oakleydc@live.unc.edu with questions.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
High school girls interested in playing golf this fall, summer workouts begin Monday, July 6, 2-3:30 pm at Roxboro Country Club. Updated physical and completed initial screening form required prior to workouts. Contact head coach Les Puryear at lespuryear@hotmail.com with questions.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
For high school girls interested in playing basketball this winter, summer workouts begin Tuesday, June 23 and Thursday, June 25, 5-6:30 pm in RCS gym. Updated physical and completed initial screening form are required prior to workouts. Contact head coach Earl Bailey at eabailey29@yahoo.com with questions.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
High school girls interested in playing basketball this winter: summer workouts begin Tuesday, June 23 and Thursday, June 25, 5-6:30 pm in RCS gym. All participants must have an updated physical and initial screening form completed prior to workouts. Contact head coach Earl Bailey with questions at eabailey29@yahoo.com.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
basketball hoop
RCS Seeking Partnerships for Remote Learning Roxboro Community School is required by the state of North Carolina to include five remote learning days in the calendar for the 2020-2021 school year. These are Wednesdays, spread throughout the year. With the uncertainty over how school will be conducted depending on the state of COVID19, we are also unsure what the return to school will be like. Thus, we ask our local businesses and other community partners to please let us know if you can offer free wifi, child care accommodations, or other services to help our students and parents if/when remote instruction is necessary. Please contact Phyliss Boatwright at boatwrightpa@roxborocs.org or 336-597-0020, extension 220 if you can help.   Photo Credit: Mackenzie Clayton, RCS rising senior
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
front of building
The Roxboro Community School Class of 2020 has, thus far, been awarded $1,125,290 in scholarships. Congratulations! We are #bulldogproud of you! Photo Credit: Ken Martin
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
C/O 2020
Coaching Vacancies: RCS seeks knowledgeable, passionate, and experienced coaches to help build our Bulldog athletic programs. Successful candidates must enjoy working with student-athletes, possess the ability to take initiative, and demonstrate a strong work ethic while maintaining a positive attitude. We currently have a vacancy for a Middle School Cheer Coach. Contact Melinda Goodson or Pete Tuck, Athletic Directors, at 336-597-0020, ext. 426/428. Please send an email of interest and/or resume to goodsonmf@roxborocommunityschool.org.
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Congratulations to Jennifer Carter, RCS Teacher of the Year 2020-2021! She is pictured here with her family and RCS Administrators. Carter teaches sixth grade social studies and is the grade team leader. She has been a member of the Bulldog Family for four years. #bulldogproud
over 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Carter TOY