‘Tis the season and time to Deck the Halls at RCS! From Monday, November 30 through Friday, December 4, the PTSO is sponsoring an ornament collection event for the entire school! Celebrating this holiday is going to be a bit different for our students/faculty/staff and we’d like to spread some Christmas Cheer throughout our school! PTSO is inviting the RCS family to join us in decorating our Christmas trees this year! If you’d like to participate, simply bring an ornament to help trim our trees. We’d love for that ornament to be something that represents a hobby, a favorite Christmas tradition or the school. Trees will be located in the school lobby, in front of the school library and in front of the gym. Anyone donating an ornament can bring it to Ms. Graham at the front desk and we will ensure its spot on the school trees! Pictures of the decorated trees will be posted on the PTSO Facebook page as well as shared by the school social media outlets! If you have any questions, please send an email to RCSPTSOBulldogs@gmail.com or message us through the RCS PTSO Facebook page!
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
christmas tree
We have a couple new videos on the RCS #GivingTuesday page! These are from a couple of faculty members. Check it out! https://www.roxborocs.org/page/giving-tuesday.
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
video screenshot
RCS is holding a contest for students who submit a picture or a video of themselves for inclusion in the Yearbook. Selfies, photos a friend or family member has taken -- anything appropriate will be considered. Videos will be linked in the Yearbook via QR code. In this crazy time of COVID, it is difficult for the yearbook staff to get photos showing students' faces. This contest is a way of making sure everyone is represented in their yearbook! To enter the contest, submit at least one photo or one video to the rcs.journalism Instagram account. If you don't have Instagram, submit to boatwrightpa@roxborocs.org. There will be three prizes: a $50 gift card to Walmart, a $25 gift card to La Cocina, and a $10 gift card to Tricias. Submit your photos and videos before January 15, 2021 to ensure your place in the contest!
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bulldog selfie
Please pre-order for the December menu by Thursday, November 26, at www.myschoolaccount.com according to your two-day schedule. You may order for the week or the month, but please do so by Thursday each week for the next week. Monday - Papa John's Pizza; Tuesday - Chicken tenders, mac & cheese, green beans, roll. OR Thursday - Chicken tenders, mac & cheese, green beans, roll; Friday - Papa John's Pizza. Email Mrs. Russ at russbs@roxborocs.org with questions. The email to pre-order salads will be sent each morning. It is to be filled out by 9 a.m.
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
lunch clipart
Thanks to our amazing RCS Technology Director Earl Whittemore, we will broadcast tonight's high school volleyball game and Senior Night on Facebook live at https://www.facebook.com/justin.bettendorf.5. The link will also be on the RCS high school volleyball page -- https://www.facebook.com/RCSvarsityvolleyball. Senior Night Recognition at 5:30 pm . Varsity Volleyball v. Henderson Collegiate at 6 pm .
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
The next Interact Club meeting will be Thursday, November 19, at 3:05 p.m. in Room #401 and on Zoom. The Meeting ID is ID 982 0144 5810 and the passcode is nezt5h.
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Make-up pictures will be taken on Wednesday, November 18. Students do not need to make an appointment. Senior retakes will be from 2 to 3 p.m. Underclassmen will be from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Order forms for underclassmen will be available during the 3:30 to 5 time frame.
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS is excited to announce that we received another grant from Walmart Giving! We will use this grant to augment our distance learning resources. #WalmartGiving
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
We have a new Bulldog Success Story up on our GivingTuesday page! Check out https://www.roxborocs.org/page/giving-tuesday to hear 2016 Grad, West Point Cadet Collin Winstead, speak about his tiime at RCS and his successes since! There will be more videos uploaded later this week. We have so much to be #bulldogproud of!
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
GT logo
Tuesday, November 17 and Friday, November 20 will be Jeans Days. The $2 donation will benefit club adoptions.
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS is holding a contest for students who submit a picture or a video for inclusion in the Yearbook. To enter the contest, submit at least one photo or one video to the rcs.journalism Instagram account. There will be three prizes: a $50 gift card to Walmart, a $25 gift card to La Cocina, and a $10 gift card to Tricias. Submit your photos and videos before January 15, 2021 to ensure your place in the contest!
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
The Interact Club Poinsettia Fundraiser is extended until Monday, Nov. 23. Order forms and payment must be turned in that day. Pick-up is Wednesday, December 9, 3:30 - 6:30. Make checks payable to RCS Interact Club. Contact Kathy Oakley, oakleykb@roxborocs.org with questions.
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Coed cross country practice is cancelled today.
about 4 years ago, Roxboro Community Athletics
We have a new Bulldog Success Story up on our GivingTuesday page! Check out https://www.roxborocs.org/page/giving-tuesday to hear 2016 Grad Ashton Martin speak about her tiime at RCS and her successes since!
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Due to the weather forecast for tomorrow, Thursday, November 12, the RCS PTSO is postponing its Bulldog Gear Sale until Wednesday, November 18. The sale will be held from 2 to 4 p.m., during the time make-up pictures are being taken. The location will be announced next week.
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Thank you to everyone who participated in today's Red Cross Blood Drive at RCS! Twenty-six units of blood were collected from 30 donors!
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
red cross emblem
RCS alumni Zac and Tyler Denny, along with their dad, Marc Denny, are helping the eighth graders clean up behind the school in preparation for an outdoor classroom area. The eighth grade team received a $15,000 Go Grant from the North Carolina Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council for the creation of two outdoor classroom areas. These areas will include picnic tables, a portable projector screen and projector, gardening supplies for beautification and a butterfly garden, sun shades, and other equipment. Teachers will utilize this area as an outdoor learning space where students can connect with nature and learn about the natural world with hands-on lessons and activities. Zac and Tyler demonstrate one of the many ways in which RCS alumni stay involved long after they have graduated. #GivingTuesday
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
work on outdoor classroom
Calling all Bulldog fans! It’s gear sale time! TODAY, Tuesday, November 10 & Thursday, November 12, 2-4 p.m. in the Woody Parking Lot, under the tent. Clearing out sale to make room for new inventory! Limited sizes in designs & colors. Cash, Check, Credit Cards and Venmo accepted.
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Who doesn’t love a Black Friday sale BEFORE Black Friday? Calling all Bulldog fans! It’s gear sale time!!! Tuesday, November 10 & Thursday, November 12, 2-4 p.m. in the Woody Parking Lot, under the tent. Clearing out sale to make room for new inventory! Limited sizes in designs & colors. Cash, Check, Credit Cards and Venmo accepted.
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bulldogs shirt
dawgs hoodie
Bulldog fans, check out the BEFORE BLACK FRIDAY SALE on Bulldog gear! Tuesday, November 10 and Thursday, November 12, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Woody Parking Lot, under the tent. PTSO is making room for new inventory! Take advantage of the clearing out sale! Limited sizes in designs & colors. Cash, check, credit card and Venmo accepted.
about 4 years ago, RCS Communications
PTSO sale