Roxboro Community School seeks a Business Manager effective June 1, 2023. Please visit to download an application. Please send resumes and/or direct questions to Dave Ebert, Managing Executive Director, at or call 336-597-0020. RCS participates in the North Carolina State retirement and State Health Plan, and offers the Pierce Group Flexible benefits program and a $10,000 life and accidental death and dismemberment policy at no cost to employees.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
school crest
Today's away high school baseball game vs. Henderson Collegiate has been canceled.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with baseball in mouth
Chris Lappin with Farm Bureau Insurance spoke with RCS Personal Finance students today. He discussed the various types of insurance and how it is related to financial planning.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
man speaking to class
Any RCS sixth and seventh grade boys interested in middle school basketball next year should plan to attend a 10-minute Boys’ Basketball interest meeting tomorrow, Monday, April 3, at 3 pm in the Athletic Lounge.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with basketball
Both our RCS jazz and concert bands earned Excellent Ratings at the Carowinds Music Festival today. Congratulations on your hard work! #bulldogproud
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
band at carowinds
band at carowinds
two students with award
RCS HOSA participated in the MDA Shamrock Campaign and raised $961. One hundred percent of the money raised will be donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association in memory of Kelby Oakley. These donations will provide services, research, and summer camp to MDA families. #bulldogproud HOSA members thank all who donated and supported this cause.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
group of students
RCS 10th grade students Alexius Raynor and Rachel Sukkar applied for and were accepted into the summer internship program WinSPIRE, Women/Underrepresented in STEM Promoting Inclusion in Research Experiences, at UNC-Chapel Hill. #bulldogproud
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
alexius raynor
rachel sukkar
Please visit the RCS Sports Hall of Fame page on the school website - - to nominate an athlete, coach or team. April 1 is the deadline for nominations.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bulldog hall of fame graphic
​Ms​.​ Martin needs help serving lunch most days in April. Please contact her at ​m​ to sign up.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullies in chef's hats
Friday, March 31 will be a Jeans Day. The $2 donation will benefit the Hospitality Committee.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in jeans
Dance for Change is tomorrow night! Come out and support our high school dance class as they raise money for Cry Freedom Missions. The show starts at 7 pm at RCS in the multi-purpose room. It will last about an hour. Admission is $5 at the door. You don't want to miss our principals, our sheriff, and our amazing teachers movin' and groovin' on stage!!!
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
dance for change flyer
Today's RCS middle school soccer game has been cancelled due to wet field conditions. Practice will be held in the gym at the regular time from 3:15 - 4:30 pm.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with soccer ball
Mark your calendars for our RCS Spring Book Fair, scheduled for April 17-21. More information will be coming soon. But, for now, we are happy to tell you that we're excited about partnering with Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh ( on a fair that will be curated specifically for our students and staff! We are asking for parent volunteers to help us staff the fair. You can sign up here: Stay tuned for more exciting news!
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
book fair flyer
RCS Dancers invite everyone to Dance for Change 2023 on March 30, at 7 pm, in the multipurpose room. Admission is $5 and all proceeds will benefit Cry Freedom Missions in efforts to reach, rescue, and restore survivors of human trafficking. Come watch RCS dance students perform along with Person County Sheriff Jason "Skeet" Wilborn; RCS principals, Mr. Bryant and Mrs. Ingram; and various RCS staff members.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
dance for change flyer
RCS needs help this summer to paint, move furniture and perform other custodial tasks. Pay is $10 per hour. Applications are available at the front desk. Interested current sophomores, juniors and seniors are asked to complete and return applications to Mrs.Graham before April 6. Students must have their own transportation.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with ladder
​​Reminder! Tomorrow​, Wednesday, March 22,​ is Bulldogs Care Day​. ​NO LUNCH WILL BE SERVED. PLEASE remember to bring your lunch from home. Only limited snacks will be available for purchase in the dining hall.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in lunch box
Both RCS and Person High School need volunteers to help with Reality Store, an important project that teaches students vital life skills. The RCS Reality Store is scheduled for March 24, in the Multipurpose room. The link to sign up is below. Volunteers should arrive by 8 am and check in at the front desk.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
reality store flyer
Don't forget to vote for RCS, our teachers, principals, athletes and coaches! You can vote more than once! #bulldogproud
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
vote for best of person county flyer
Join us for Dance for Change 2023! March 30, at 7 pm. On stage will be Person County Sheriff Skeet Wilborn, along with our very own Mr. Bryant, other RCS staff and RCS alumni! Proceeds will benefit Cry Freedom Missions. #bulldogproud #bulldogboogie
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
dance for change flyer
Pi Day at RCS middle school was a success! Parent Hunt Fitzgerald captured pictures of the entire middle school student body creating a Pi Chain, with each student connecting 10 digits -- so the total was around 3,000 digits of Pi! #bulldogproud
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
drone shot of human pi chain
students formring pi chaing