RCS seeks knowledgeable, passionate, and experienced coaches to help build our Bulldog athletic programs. Successful candidates must enjoy working with student-athletes, possess the ability to take initiative, and demonstrate a strong work ethic while maintaining a positive attitude. We currently have winter vacancies for Middle School Girls' Basketball, Middle School Cheer, High School Women's Basketball, and High School Men's Varsity and Junior Varsity Basketball. Contact Justin Jones at 336-597-0020, ext. 427. Please send an email of interest and/or resume to jonesjd@roxborocommunityschool.org
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
coach and players graphic
The 7th and 8th grade bands will perform their Spring Concert on Monday, April 24, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the RCS Multipurpose Room. Donations are welcome. The High School and Jazz Bands will perform their Spring Concert on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the RCS Multipurpose Room. Admission: $5 to benefit Interact Club Fundraiser.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie playing trumpet
The RCS Book Fair has been a lot of fun and quite successful so far! If you haven't yet shopped, or need one or two more great books, stop by the library today or tomorrow. You can also shop online at wwwquailridgebooks.com and use the code ROXBORO0423. Thank you to all who have supported us this week! And a HUGE thank you to all of the parent volunteers who have helped!!!!
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS Senior Signing Day is Friday, April 21. Class of 2023, please wear your Next Steps Shirts-College/University, Work, Military. Please bring chairs/blankets to sit on during Signing Day. We hope you all have fun at our 2nd Annual Signing Day!
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in mortarboard
There will be no middle school lacrosse game today.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with lacrosse ball, stick
Middle School Boys' Basketball Workouts will be tomorrow, Tuesday, April 18, in the RCS gym, from 3 to 4:30 pm for all 6th and 7th grade boys interested in playing next year. Athletes must bring workout clothes to workouts. Contact Coach Jones with questions at 227 at RCS or email jonesjd@roxborocommunityschool.org.   
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with basketball
Sarah Chapman and Amanda Perkins from AgSouth Farm Credit spoke to RCS personal finance students today about credit scores, the loan process, and other important financial topics.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
women speaking to class
women in front of class
Spring sports pictures are back. Pick up pictures in the coaches' offices.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in front of camera
The RCS Book Fair is in full swing! Come by and shop all week!
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
students at book fair
book fair flyer
Congratulations to the RCS eSports Team for making the 32 team playoffs in the UNCG Scholastic eSports Alliance. We are #bulldogproud! UNCG partners with high schools across North Carolina to provide opportunities for students to compete against other North Carolina schools. Roxboro Community School is proud to support our students with opportunities in eSports through classes such as Intro to Gaming and Advanced Gaming as well as working with UNCG and High School eSports to provide our students opportunities to compete in games such as Rocket League, eChess, Fortnite, Brawlhalla, Minecraft, and Halo.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
esports collage
RCS seeks knowledgeable, passionate, and experienced coaches to help build our Bulldog athletic programs. Successful candidates must enjoy working with student-athletes, possess the ability to take initiative, and demonstrate a strong work ethic while maintaining a positive attitude. We currently have winter vacancies for Middle School Girls' Basketball, Middle School Cheer, High School Women's Basketball, and High School Men's Varsity and Junior Varsity Basketball. Contact Justin Jones at 336-597-0020, ext. 427. Please send an email of interest and/or resume to jonesjd@roxborocommunityschool.org
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
coach and team graphic
The RCS Interact Club will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, April 18 immediately after school, in Mr. Bryant's office.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
interact logo
As a reminder, our RCS Book Fair will be in the library next week -- April 17-21, from 8 am to 3:30 pm daily. Attached is more information about the fair and about how to purchase books online or in the store at Quail Ridge Books and benefit RCS. Next week, if you are planning to pay by check, please MAKE IT PAYABLE TO QUAIL RIDGE BOOKS, NOT RCS. Cash and credit/debit cards will be accepted as well. Thank you for supporting our library!
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
book fair flyer
book fair flyer
Need something to read over spring break? Looking for those summer reads? Just need to add to your TBR list? Then visit https://www.quailridgebooks.com/RCS-Book-Fair for online shopping and plan to check out the RCS Book Fair in person April 17-21 in the library. You can also visit Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh and tell them you're shopping for the RCS Book Fair. Happy reading, Bulldogs!
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
book fair flyer QRB
book fair flyer QRB
Tonight's high school softball game has been canceled due to potential thunderstorms.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with softball and bat
Due to possible thunderstorms, today's middle school lacrosse game has been canceled.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with lacrosse ball, stick
RCS will be on Spring Break Friday, April 7 through Friday, April 14. Classes will resume on Monday, April 17.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
easter bunny bullie
We are #bulldogproud of RCS senior Morgan Vander Poppen for her Gold Award in figure skating.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
gold award figure skating
Mark your calendars for our RCS Spring Book Fair, scheduled for April 17-21, from 8 am to 3:30 pm daily. We are excited about partnering with Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh (https://www.quailridgebooks.com/) on a fair curated specifically for our students and staff! Check out teacher wish lists! Mrs. Morrow: https://www.quailridgebooks.com/wishlist/2415 Mrs. Bettendorf: https://www.quailridgebooks.com/user/38484/wishlist/2414 Dr, Davis: https://www.quailridgebooks.com/wishlist/2413 Mrs. Griffin: https://www.quailridgebooks.com/wishlist/2422 Ms. King: https://www.quailridgebooks.com/wishlist/2423
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
book fair flyer
RCS congratulates students Susan Claire Bailey and Robin Puryear for receiving invitations to attend the 2023 session of the NC Governor's School, June 18-July 15. Robin received an invitation for Instrumental Music and Susan Claire for Dance. #bulldogproud
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
susan claire bailey
robin puryear