HS women's basketball practices will start next week! See the schedule below. Wed, 9/6 3:05-4:10 pm Thur, 9/7 3:30-5 pm Mon, 9/11 3:05-4:10 pm Wed, 9/13 3:05-4:10 pm Mon, 9/18 3:05-4:10 pm Wed, 9/20 3:05-4:10 pm
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Come help out in our dining hall! Please email or call Ms. Martin to sign up! 336-597-0020 ext 119 or martincn@roxborocommunityschool.org
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Volunteers needed
Nature meets art! Middle School Art Club and Bulldog Blooms have merged to form Bulldog Designs. Middle school students interested in joining this club should attend an interest meeting on Wednesday, September 6 directly after school in the athletic lounge. We will discuss planned activities for the school year. This will be a brief meeting.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Bulldog Designs
There will be a middle school Student Council interest meeting in Mrs. Jones' classroom (Room 122) on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. All returning members should also be in attendance.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Middle School Student Council Interest meeting
Today's high school soccer game against Person has been postponed.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Soccer Game postponed
Any 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys interested in playing middle school lacrosse this spring, there will be an interest meeting Wednesday, August 30 from 3 - 3:15 p.m. on the lacrosse/soccer field.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Middle School Lacrosse
Any high school boys that are interested in playing lacrosse, there will be an interest meeting on Wednesday, August 30 from 3 - 3:15 p.m. on the lacrosse/soccer field.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
For any 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing middle school basketball this winter, there will be an interest meeting from 3:15 - 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 29 in the athletics lounge. There will be workouts following the meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the gym.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
middle school interest meeting
There will be an ITS (International Thespian Society) interest meeting held in Ms. Jones' classroom (232) after school on Tuesday, August 29th from 3:15 - 4:00 p.m. At this meeting you will meet our officers and they will tell you a bit about what ITS is and why you should join! If you have any interest please come out!
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
ITS Interest meeting
The varsity girls' tennis game against Franklin Academy today has been postponed to a later date, to be announced.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
A reminder that HS women's basketball (9th-12th) workouts will be today, August 28 and Wednesday, August 30. Open gym will start at 3:05 pm and end at 4:10 pm. We will be working on fundamentals of basketball and conditioning. Please make sure to upload a current copy of your sport physical onto Dragonfly. If you have any questions, contact Coach Stokes, twonxspc98@gmail.com and/or Coach Goodson.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
HS Basketball Workouts
A reminder that there will be a meeting in the gym immediately after school on Tuesday, August 29 for all who plan to play high school baseball this year. Also, High School Baseball workouts will begin Tuesday, September 5 and will occur every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 - 6:00 at Optimist Park.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
HS Baseball workouts
Middle School Girls' Basketball workouts will be held on Tuesday, August 29 from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. in the gym. If you are interested in playing this year, please plan on attending.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Middle School Girls Basketball Workouts
High School Baseball workouts will begin Tuesday, September 5 and will occur every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 - 6 p.m. at Optimist Park. Also, there will be a meeting in the gym immediately after school on Tuesday, August 29 for all who plan to play high school baseball this year.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
HS Baseball Workouts and meeting
Today's HS Women's Tennis game against Person High School has been postponed.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
HS Women's Game postponed
The Middle School Math Club will meet every 2nd Wednesday starting on September 13!
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Math Counts Club
HS women's basketball (9th-12th) workouts will begin next week starting Monday, August 28 and Wednesday, August 30. Open gym will start at 3:05 pm and end at 4:10 pm. We will be working on fundamentals of basketball and conditioning. Please make sure to upload a current copy of your sport physical onto Dragonfly. If you have any questions, contact Coach Stokes, twonxspc98@gmail.com and/or Coach Goodson.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
My Life Matters will meet every Tuesday morning this year! You can register now at MyLifeMatters.club/signup !
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
My Life Matters
The women’s high school tennis match on Wednesday vs Research Triangle has been cancelled.
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Cancelled tennis game
The first two days of school are in the books! We are happy to have students back in class and excited to have a fantastic school year!
over 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Students stand around chatting in the hallway.
Students fill the halls
Three female students pose for a picture.
6th grade students sit outside, waiting to be picked up.
4 girls pose for a photo.