With the threat of inclement weather that may affect travel tomorrow afternoon, we will release school tomorrow, Tuesday, January ​9 at 12:30 p.m. This means no lunch will be served and all after-school activities will be canceled, including sports games and practices and our scheduled Dog Walk Tours. As always, safety is our first concern.​ The schedule for tomorrow is below. ​Early Release Day Schedule (12:30 Release: No Lunch) First Period 8:00–8:41 Second Period 8:45–9:26 Third Period 9:30–10:11 Fourth Period 10:15–10:56 Fifth Period 11:00–11:41 Sixth Period 11:45–12:30
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Sr Beta Club is looking for RCS Alumni who are currently in college to come back and speak about their college experiences. If you would like to participate, please fill out this form! https://forms.gle/QCLyFXzvKXbzN99r6
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Weather permitting winter workouts for high school women's soccer will begin on Tuesday, January 9 and Thursday, January 11 from 3:45 until 4:30 p.m. at Huck Sansbury. Please dress accordingly, wear layers, and bring tennis shoes and water. Indoor soccer will be on Saturday, January 13 in the RCS gym from 2:30 until 4:30. Please bring tennis shoes, shin guards, and water. If you have any questions or concerns contact Coach Ess at essta@roxborocommunityschool.org or ext. 121
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
HS Women's Soccer workouts
Don't forget, the band is currently selling specialty apples! If you'd like to order some to support the band, please see a band member or you can contact Mrs. Valerie Smith! Payment will be collected with orders. The last day to order is this Tuesday, January 9th, 2024! You can see the brochure here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nPp-_JqZ5ewKLsc-o-Kd4U51aJReHVeh/view?ts=657ca088
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Candy Apples
Weekly workouts for middle school girls' soccer will begin Saturday, January 6th from 8 - 10 a.m. in the RCS gym. They will be having these workouts every Saturday morning until further notice. These workouts are voluntary but highly encouraged to prepare for the upcoming season. Please bring tennis shoes and shin guards. Don't forget to enter your physical into DragonFly as soon as possible. Contact Rob Puryear with any questions at robpuryear@yahoo.com
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
MS Girls Soccer
High School Baseball workouts will begin Monday, January 8 and will occur every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 - 6:00 at Optimist Park, weather permitting. All who desire to play baseball and are not currently participating in a winter sport are encouraged to attend workouts.
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
HS Baseball Workouts
A reminder that there are some events for prospective students and parents next week! Our Dog Walk Guided Tours are a great opportunity to tour the school and learn more about RCS. Sign up for a timeslot here: https://bit.ly/RCSDogWalks The Prospective Student/Parent Information Night will be a night to get all the information you need to know about the school and enrollment. RSVP for the event here: https://bit.ly/RCSProspectiveStudentNight Come out and see what makes RCS so special!
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Enrollment Dates
Happy Holidays from Roxboro Community School! Wishing you and your loved ones a season filled with happiness, joy, and special memories. To everyone who has contributed to making our school a vibrant and thriving community, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Your dedication and enthusiasm help us create an environment of growth and learning. As we bid farewell to this year, we look forward to a wonderful New Year. May it bring new opportunities, successes, and joy to each one of you. See you in January!
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Happy HOlidays
The band is currently selling specialty apples! If you'd like to order some and support the band, please see a band member or you can contact Mrs. Valerie Smith! Payment will be collected with orders. The last day to order is Tuesday, January 9th, 2024! You can see the brochure here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nPp-_JqZ5ewKLsc-o-Kd4U51aJReHVeh/view?ts=657ca088
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Miss Debbies Specialty Apples for sale by the band
Roxboro Community School Open Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is officially underway! We are once again partnering with Lotterease to offer an online application/enrollment process. The link to submit an application is on the Enrollment Page of our website (https://www.roxborocs.org/page/enrollment). We will be accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year from now until March 5, 2024. If we have more applications than openings, we will hold an online lottery on March 7, 2024. A few reminders * Students who are currently attending Roxboro Community School DO NOT need to re-apply to attend next school year. * Siblings of current students or alumni DO need to complete an application to attend RCS next year. They are given preference in the lottery because they are the sibling** of a current student or alumni. But they do have to apply by the March 5, 2024 deadline or the Lotterease computer system will automatically place them on a waiting list. [**"Sibling" includes brothers or sisters, half-siblings, step-siblings, or foster siblings living in the same household.] * Paper copies of the 2024-2025 application are available at the Front Desk for anyone who does not have internet or computer access. Please visit the Enrollment page on our website (https://www.roxborocs.org/page/enrollment) for more information about applying, upcoming tours, and our perspective student night coming up, or contact RCS Registrar, Jodi DeVillier, at 336.597.0020, ext 322 or devillierjh@roxborocs.org if you have questions or concerns.
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Open enrollment
The Middle School and Jazz Bands' Winter Concert is tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the MPR! Come enjoy these amazing students' performances!
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Winter Band Concert
High school students, mark your calendar for the Homecoming Dance on January 27th. It will be from 7 - 10 pm in the gym! Students MUST wear sneakers! More information is to come.
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
HS Homecoming
Each year we allow students to submit their designs for our holiday card and one design is chosen to become our official card! This year's winner is Emily Snow's snowy doghouse and bulldog design! Her design is now the official 2023 RCS holiday card! Our runner-up was Brooklyn Tingen's fun bulldog design. We are so grateful and proud of our students for sharing their talents! #BulldogProud
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Emily Snow
Brooklyn Tingen
The Women's High School Soccer team interest meeting will be on Friday, December 15 from 3 until 3:15 p.m. in room 121. If you have any questions or cannot make the meeting please contact Coach Ess at essta@roxborocommunityschool.org.
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
HS Women's soccer interest meeting
Exciting news!! The latest US News & World Report Rankings for Schools have been released. Roxboro Community School is ranked in the top 10% of High Schools in North Carolina and in the top 5% of Middle Schools in North Carolina! Thank you to everyone who has made this a possibility! We have wonderful teachers, administration, students, parents, board members, and more that help make RCS a top school!
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Best middle school
Best high school
Little Dogs Cheer Camp will be on Saturday, January 13 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. This is an awesome event for kids who want to learn from our amazing cheer team! Registration is open from now until January 5, so register today! https://forms.gle/9tgPXRYMDpdQPdD3A
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Little dogs cheer camp
Tonight's Varsity Girls' and Boy's Basketball games have been canceled.
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
cancelled basketball games
Tomorrow, December 8, is the last day to purchase tickets for the Middle School Winter Formal on December 15. Tickets are $10 and that price includes food and drink. Tickets can be purchased in the lobby at lunch.
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
MS Winter Formal
There are some upcoming events for prospective students and parents! Our Dog Walk Guided Tours are a great opportunity to tour the school and learn more about RCS. Sign up for a timeslot here: https://bit.ly/RCSDogWalks The Prospective Student/Parent Information Night will be a night to get all the information you need to know about the school and enrollment. RSVP for the event here: https://bit.ly/RCSProspectiveStudentNight Come out and see what makes RCS so special!
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Enrollment Dates
It's time again for student spotlights! Our middle school spotlight is Carly Kimbro! Carly was chosen because she always has a smile on her face and strives to be the best person and student she can be Our high school spotlight is Faith Bailey! Faith was chosen because she is a great, sweet student and a hard-working student-athlete. Read more about these amazing ladies here! https://www.roxborocs.org/article/1367935
about 1 year ago, RCS Communications
Carly Kimbro
Faith Bailey