High school boys and girls interested in playing golf this spring should contact Head Coach Justin Jones with questions at jonesjd@roxborocommunityschool.org or 336-597-0020 ext. 427.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bd with clubs
RCS Seniors, please check your email. We are collecting sizes for Class of 2021 t-shirts. Please check your email to select your t-shirt size no later than Friday, February 12. Students participating in senior activities have an invitation for the next scheduled event.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in t
Due to predicted cold, rainy weather for tomorrow, the RCS PTSO Valentine's Day Bulldog Gear Sale has been postponed until Thursday, February 18, from 2:45 to 4 p.m. in the Woody Parking lot. Grab some gear for your Valentine! Also, pick up special order pullovers. Bulldog Cards will be available also. They are valid through December 31, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with rose
High school boys interested in playing tennis this spring should contact Head Coach William Storrs with questions at storrswk@roxborocs.org.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bd tennis
For the time being, pre-ordering lunches is being done by the week instead of by the month. Please pre-order for February 16-19 by Thursday, February 11. Go to www.myschoolaccount.com and order according to your two-day schedule. Monday -- Papa John's Pizza; Tuesday - Chicken tenders, mac & cheese, green beans, roll. OR Thursday -- Chicken tenders, mac & cheese, green beans, roll; Friday - Papa John's Pizza. The email to pre-order salads will be sent each morning. It is to be filled out by 9 a.m. Email Mrs. Russ at russbs@roxborocs.org with questions.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bd eating lunch
The 2021 RCS Spring Theatre Production will be The Show Must Go On....Line! Students may sign up for auditions at https://sites.google.com/roxborocommunityschool.org/the-show-must-go-on/home. Student and parent forms are due by February 15 at 9 a.m.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Vote for RCS for best middle and high school in Person County!
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Best of graphic
The RCS PTSO will hold a Valentine's Day Bulldog Gear Sale on Thursday, February 11, from 2:45 to 4 p.m. in the Woody Parking lot. Grab some gear for your Valentine! Also, pick up special order pullovers. Bulldog Cards are avalable also, and are valid through December 31, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Cupid BD
Tuesday, February 9 and Friday, February 12 will be Jeans Days. The $2 donation will support administration.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bd in jeans
All middle school girls interested in playing tennis (the season will be from March 18 to April 22) please email Coach Bettendorf (bettendorfjl@RoxboroCS.org) so that he knows if we will have enough for a team. Thanks.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
tennis bd
Congratulations to RCS Senior Emily Taylor for placing second in the Thomas Person Chapter National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution essay contest. She received a certificate, a pin and a $50 check from DAR member Bonnie Meeler today. Ms. Meeler said it is "always a pleasure to award outstanding students."
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Emily Taylor
The RCS PTSO will hold a Valentine's Day Bulldog Gear Sale on Thursday, February 11, from 2:45 to 4 p.m. in the Woody Parking lot. Grab some gear for your Valentine! Also, pick up special order pullovers.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bd in tie with roses
Anyone who ordered a special-order pullover before Christmas should email rcsptsobulldogs@gmail.com to make arrangements to pick up the shirts.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Today's soccer game at East Wake Academy has been cancelled due to field conditions.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
soccer ball
For the time being, pre-ordering lunches is being done by the week instead of by the month. Please pre-order for February 8-12 by Thursday, February 4. Go to www.myschoolaccount.com and order according to your two-day schedule. Monday -- Papa John's Pizza; Tuesday - Chicken tenders, mac & cheese, green beans, roll. OR Thursday -- Chicken tenders, mac & cheese, green beans, roll; Friday - Papa John's Pizza. The email to pre-order salads will be sent each morning. It is to be filled out by 9 a.m. Email Mrs. Russ at russbs@roxborocs.org with questions. Note: If you pre-ordered for February 1 do not pre-order for February 8. February 1 will carry over to February 8.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS celebrates national school counseling week! Our School Counselors are All in for Students!
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
school counselor week
Middle School Girls' Basketball Tryouts will be on Monday, February 8 from 5 to 6 p.m. at the RCS Gym. Interested girls should email Coach Reeves (shawnreeves23@yahoo.com) so he has an idea about numbers. Middle School Boys' Basketball Tryouts will be on Monday, February 8 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the RCS Gym. Interested boys should email Coach Jones (Dylanwjones20@gmail.com) so he has an idea about numbers. Please remember to bring a valid physical.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
For parents of rising 9th - 12th grade students: RCS will host Curriculum Night virtually this year via Zoom on Thursday, February 25 from 6 to 8 p.m. Please mark your calendar. This will be an opportunity to ask teachers curriculum questions about specific courses. Administration will send out more information leading up to the event. We look forward to seeing you then.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
curriculum image
In the continued effort to maintain the safety of students and staff, and due to the extremely low temperatures and possible refreezing of roads overnight, RCS staff will work from home and conduct remote instruction in all classes tomorrow. The building will be closed on Monday, February 1. All students are expected to log in to their classes.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
cold bd
Congratulations, Katie Waldo, recipient of the overall Self Expression preliminary award AND 3rd Runner-up at the Distinguished Young Women of North Carolina Program!We are #bulldogproud of you!!
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications