Due to the threat of inclement weather, Middle School Girls' Volleyball Tryouts have been postponed to Friday, March 19 from 5 to 7 p.m. Please make sure you have a valid physical on file with the school.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
vb bullie
As always, RCS Administration keeps the safety of staff and students at the forefront. Due to possible high winds and storms on Thursday, March 18, RCS will be closed to students and staff. Instruction will be remote, and students should sign in to their classes. All after-school activities are cancelled as well. The building will be closed tomorrow
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in storm
Due to the threat of inclement weather, Middle School Boys' Soccer Tryouts have been postponed to Monday, March 22 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the RCS Field. Please bring cleats and make sure you have a valid physical on file with the school.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in rain
Bulldog Gear Sale! Thursday, March 25, 2:30-4 p.m. in the Woody Parking Lot. Come get your Bulldog Gear and Bulldog Cards!
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
BD gear
RCS has been nominated for Best Middle School and Best High School in Person County. RCS staff, principals, student athletes and coaches have been nominated as well. Vote often -- March 6-27! http://personcountylife.com/best-of-person-county/#//
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
ct vote logo
Bulldogs, don't forget to Spring Forward this weekend! Daylight Savings Time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 14.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bullies swing forward
Middle school girls interested in playing tennis this year should attend tryouts on Friday, March 19 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Huck Sansbury Park. Please make sure you have a valid physical on file before tryouts.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
tennis bullie
Thursday, March 11 is a Jeans Day. The $2 donation supports RCS in Spain. Friday, March 12 is a tacher work day. No school for students.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Jeans bullie
RCS Beta Club participates in state competition Roxboro Community School (RCS) National Beta members William Bowes, Tanner Clayton, Athena Dontas, Jackson Jones and Sydney Underwood recently participated in the North Carolina Senior Beta Club (high school) Virtual State Convention. Typically, in person, the NC Beta State Convention brings together students from across the state to compete in a variety of competitions ranging from academic and STEM-based to visual and performing arts. Congratulations to junior William Bowes, who was the fifth place winner in the Spanish Academic Test. His victory at the state level provides the opportunity to compete at the national level. The National Convention will be held at the Swan and Dolphin Resort at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida this coming summer.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
Beta logo
All middle school boys interested in trying out for soccer should plan to attend tryouts at the RCS Field on Thursday, March 18 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Prospective players must have cleats and an up-to-date physical.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in soccer shirt
Thank you to all who support RCS through AmazonSmile! Your support makes a difference! If you're an Amazon shopper and don't already use Smile, it's really easy to do! Just go to smile.amazon.com and sign up, then designate RCS as your charity!
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
amazon smile
RCS seeks knowledgeable, passionate, and experienced coaches to help build our Bulldog athletic programs. Successful candidates must enjoy working with student-athletes, possess the ability to take initiative, and demonstrate a strong work ethic while maintaining a positive attitude. We currently have a vacancy for a Middle School Boys' Basketball coach. Contact Justin Bettendorf at 336-597-0020, ext. 427. Please send an email of interest and/or resume to bettendorfjl@roxborocommunityschool.org.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
basketball bullie
Please pre-order for the rest of the March menu by Thursday, March 11 according to your two-day schedule. You may order at www.myschoolaccount.com for the week or the month, but please do so by Thursday each week for the next week. We have made a few changes to the menu. Golden Corral is providing a different option for Tuesday and Thursday for the second and fourth weeks of each month. Monday and Friday will still be Papa John's pizza. March Menu March 15-19 Monday - Papa John's Pizza Tuesday - chicken tenders, mac and cheese, green beans, roll Thursday - chicken tenders, mac and cheese, green beans, roll Friday - Papa John's Pizza March 22-26 Monday - Papa John's Pizza Tuesday - hamburger, lettuce, tomatoes, chips, cookies Thursday - hamburger, lettuce, tomatoes, chips, cookies Friday - Papa John's Pizza March 29 - April 2 Monday - Papa John's Pizza Tuesday - chicken tenders, mac and cheese, green beans, roll Thursday - chicken tenders, mac and cheese, green beans, roll Friday - No school
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie eating
Tuesday, March 9 and Thursday, March 11 are Jeans Days. The $2 donation supports the RCS in Spain program. Friday, March 12 is a teacher work day. No school for students.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in jeans
RCS has been nominated for Best Middle School and Best High School in Person County. RCS staff, principals, student athletes and coaches have been nominated as well. Vote often -- March 6-27! http://personcountylife.com/best-of-person-county/#//
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
CT vote logo
All middle school girls interested in playing volleyball this year should plan to attend tryouts on Thursday, March 18, from 5 to 7 pm at the RCS Gym. Please email Coach Long with any questions at TheCrew88Long@yahoo.com.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
baseball bullie
Parents of students who were admitted to RCS during last night's lottery may pick up their enrollment packets today, in front of the school, from 8 to 10 am; 11 am-1 pm; or 3-5 pm. The list of numbers drawn in the lottery is posted on the RCS website, www.roxborocs.org
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
The RCS Enrollment Lottery for 2021-2022 was held tonight. Those who missed the live virtual event may watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/Lmlw1MoDFqQ.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
All middle school boys interested in playing soccer should email Coach Bryan at troybryan68@gmail.com so he has an idea about numbers. Also, please make sure you have a valid physical in time for tryouts on March 18.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
soccer bullie
Tonight's RCS Enrollment Lottery may be viewed live at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZRi9T336wM&feature=youtu.be.
almost 4 years ago, RCS Communications
lottery ticket