Correction to the correction! A middle school girls' soccer interest meeting will be held in room #12 tomorrow, Tuesday, 11/30 at 3. Contact Mr. Ess at or (336) 597-0020 ext 121 if you can't attend.
The high school girls' soccer interest meeting will be Wednesday, 12/8 at 3.
Middle school girls' soccer workouts will begin Friday (12/3) 3:30 - 5:30 at Earl Bradsher. This is an optional practice and is not mandatory. Please bring shin guards and water. Contact Coach Ess at or (336) 597-0020 ext 121 with questions.
Interact will meet today, Monday, November 29, at 3:05 pm in Mr. Bryant's office.
High School Student Council will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, November 30, at 3:05 pm in Mr. Bryant's office.
Please go to and pre-order for the December Menu by November 28. If you had previously pre-ordered for November 22 and 23, DO NOT pre-order for December 6 and 7. These are the make-up days.
Monday - Pizza
Tuesday - Chicken tenders, mac and cheese, green beans, roll
Wednesday - Bourbon St. chicken, rice, peas and carrots, roll
Thursday - Pork tenderloin, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, roll
Friday - Pizza
There will be a Moderna booster and Pfizer pediatric clinic on 12/9 for Covid vaccines. The Moderna booster is available to anyone 18+ who meets the 6 or 2 month requirement. (See announcement). Schedule (for 5-11) on the portal or call Person County Health Department.
Middle school cheer practice will be Tuesday, November 30, 3:30-5 p.m. in the multipurpose room.
RCS will be closed for students Monday, November 22 through Friday, November 26 for the Thanksgiving holiday. November 22 and 23 are optional work days for teachers. Happy Thanksgiving, Bulldogs!
PTSO Raffle Tickets are on sale now, for $1 each! The drawing for prizes will be held on December 7, during the home basketball game. Pictures of items will be posted soon. Email or message the PTSO Facebook page to purchase tickets!
Please go to and pre-order for the December Menu by November 26. If you had previously pre-ordered for November 22 and 23, DO NOT pre-order for December 6 and 7 -- they are the make-up days.
Monday - Pizza
Tuesday - Chicken tenders, mac and cheese, green beans, roll
Wednesday - Bourbon St. chicken, rice, peas and carrots, roll
Thursday - Pork tenderloin, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, roll
Friday - Pizza
The roster for middle school Cheer is posted outside the coaches' offices, near the gym.
Our hard working RCS PTSO provided staff with a Thanksgiving meal catered by the Homestead Steak House today, featuring turkey, fixings and the best chocolate pie around. PTSO said it couldn’t have provided the treat "without help from so many people who donated to make sure the staff started off their much needed break in a delicious way."
Due to the doughnut-making machine at Krispy Kreme needing maintenance, the doughnut delivery previously scheduled for tomorrow morning has been delayed.
Please plan to pick up doughnuts on Friday, December 3 instead of tomorrow morning. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank everyone for their support of RCS in Spain!
On Friday, November 19 at 3 pm, StreetSafe will bring a seatbelt convincer to the RCS student parking lot as part of the Rock the Belt Campaign.
High school softball workouts begin Monday, November 22 at Bushy Fork Park, 5-6:30 pm. All participants must have a valid physical on file with the school. Please contact Coach Michael Clark via email: with questions.
Middle school cheer tryouts will be Tuesday and Wednesday, November 16 and 17, 3:30-5:00 pm in the multipurpose room. All participants must have a valid physical on file with the school. Please contact Coach Leighann Long at with questions.
Friday, November 19 will be a Jeans Day. The $2 donation will benefit club adoptions.
Middle school girls' basketball tryouts begin Monday, November 15 and Tuesday, November 16 at RCS gym, 3:30 - 4:30 pm (both days). All participants must have a valid physical on file with the school. If interested in attending tryouts, contact Coach Melinda Goodson via email:
RCS will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, November 11 in honor of Veteran's Day. Friday will be a day off for students. It is an optional workday for teachers.
For Bulldogs Care Day, Mr. Gillis's class cleaned up the cemetery at Providence Baptist Church. #bulldogproud
It's Bulldogs Care Day! The RCS HOSA sponsored a food drive and delivered 217 canned goods and 65 boxes of nonperishable food items to the Christian Help Center today. Thank you, Bulldog families, for your generous donations! #bulldogproud