The Bulldog Day raffle drawing is coming up soon!
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
people under tent
There is much to enjoy at Bulldog Day! Come join us until noon today and support RCS student athletes! #bulldogproud
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
students under tent serving food
girl playing golf game
Dylan Hall was our 1st place boys’ finisher for the Bulldog Day 5K with a time of 20.47. Aurora Bettendorf was our 1st place girls’ Bulldog Day 5K finisher with a time of 25.37. We are #bulldogproud of them!
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
Dylan running in 5k
Aurora running in 5k
Middle school baseball workouts will continue on Tuesday, September 13, 3:45-5 pm at Optimist Park and Thursday, September 15, 3:30-4:45 at RCS. Participants must have a physical uploaded on Dragonfly. Contact Kevin Clayton at or 336-504-9104 with questions.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with baseball and glove
The order for RCS Basketball Nike Hoodies will be placed on Monday, September 12 at 3 pm. If anyone still wants one, please get payment and size/color info to Coach Bettendorf by the deadline. Cost is $50.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
boy in hoodie
Interact Club will neet Tuesday, September 13, immediately after school, in Mr. Bryant's office.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
Interact logo
Bulldog Blooms will have an interest meeting on Tuesday, September 13 immediately after school in Room 403. Come find out the benefits of being involved in a North Carolina Youth Garden Club and learn the planned activities for this school year. Bulldog Blooms is open to all RCS students. If you enjoy plants, flowers, and working outdoors, this is the club for you!
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in flowers
The Beta Club will meet on Wednesday, September 14, at 7:30 am and 3:05 pm in the athletic lounge.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
beta club logo
Bulldog Day is Saturday, September 10. If you purchased a BBQ plate, it will be ready for pick-up today, September 9 between 11 am and 1 pm --at the 6th grade drop-off door. Raffle tickets are available at the front desk. Get three for $5 or seven for $10 for chances to win awesome prizes! Come out Saturday for games, prizes, and more and support Bulldog Athletics!
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
twi girls smiling
Bulldog Day is Saturday, September 10. If you purchased a BBQ plate, it will be ready for pick-up on September 9 between 11 am and 1 pm --at the 6th grade drop-off door. Raffle tickets are available at the front desk. Get three for $5 or seven for $10 for chances to win awesome prizes! Come out Saturday for games, prizes, and more and support Bulldog Athletics!
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
water slide
The Sewing Club will meet weekly thru December 7. The next meeting is Monday, September 12 in room 106 from 3 to 4pm. A list of fall 2022 meeting dates was emailed. You do not have to have any prior knowledge. Contact Mrs. Roberts at with questions.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bulldog embroidery
Bulldog Day is Saturday, September 10. If you purchased a BBQ plate, it will be ready for pick-up on September 9 between 11 am and 1 pm --at the 6th grade drop-off door. Raffle tickets are available at the front desk. Get three for $5 or seven for $10 for chances to win awesome prizes! Come out Saturday for games, prizes, and more and support Bulldog Athletics!
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
playing a game at Bulldog day
We are so #bulldogproud of our SRO, Ty Whitlow, and the new paint job on his Sheriff's Department car!
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
SRO beside patrol car
side view of sro with patrol car
rear view of sro with patrol car
Strawbridge Fall Sport team and individual (optional) pictures will be taken Tuesday, Sept. 20 beginning at 9:30 a.m., on the RCS athletic field/gym. This includes both middle and high school. Student-athletes should wear game uniforms and game shoes for the photos. Picture forms will be located in the main or coaches' offices. Contact Coach Goodson or Coach Jones with questions.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in front of camera
Ms. Martin still needs volunteer help in the dining hall every Thursday in September and on Monday, September 19 and Tuesday, September 20. Please email her at or call her at 336-597-0020, ext 119 to volunteer.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in chef hat
Current Aladdin Auditions are for actors only. There will be a separate time and meeting for those students interested in helping backstage. This week's auditions are just for those students who would like to be in the show, NOT BACKSTAGE. Auditions are Tuesday-Thursday from 3:15-4:30. Please be on time. If you are not available this week due to COVID related absences, please email Mr. Hall at to set up an audition time.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie on stage
Pick up lost and found items by Thursday, September 8. After that, they go to the Christian Help Center.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
lost and found table
RCS Parents and Friends, the first Germany, Switzerland and Italy meeting will be Thursday, September 8, at 7 pm in the multipurpose room. Please join us and remember to bring a copy of your passport and a pen. We will review our trip Itinerary, confirm details, and list roommate assignments. The meeting should take no more than one hour. Email Dennis Abline at with questions.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie on a plane
The RCS High School Book Club will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, September 6, immediately after school, in the library. All high school students are welcome.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie wearing sunglasses, paws on books
Middle school baseball workouts will begin on Thursday, September 8, 3:30-4:45 pm, at RCS. All interested participants should meet in front of the gym lobby. Participants must register on Dragonfly and complete six steps to be eligible to participate.
over 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with baseball glove