A student in Mrs. Clayton’s Biotechnology Health Science III Honors class is completing a class project by hosting a fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House in Durham February 6 - 16. The Ronald McDonald House Charities provide places for families to call home so they can stay close to their hospitalized child at little to no cost. The organization has a wish list of items they are in need of. Items being collected are: Disinfectant spray Liquid or powder HE laundry detergent Travel-size deodorant - men and women Toothbrushes - children and adults Hand and body lotion These items can be dropped off before and after school and there will be donation boxes available for middle school and high school students upon entering the building. For more information about the Ronald McDonald House Charities: https://rmhdurhamwake.org/
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
ronald mcdonald house logo
Middle school baseball workouts will be at Optimist Park Thursday, February 9, from 3:45 to 5 pm.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with baseball and glove
Teachers Katie DeVillier and Taylor Bowen were chosen by their peers to represent RCS and its Outstanding Young Educators for the annual Roxboro Jaycees award. They are pictured with principals Donna Ingram and Darkarai Bryant. #bulldogproud
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
two teachers, two principals
High school softball tryouts will be at Bushy Fork Park on Monday, February 13 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. All participants must have all their athletic information uploaded to Dragonfly.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with baseball in mouth
High school boys interested in playing tennis this spring should email Coach Bettendorf (bettendorfjl@roxborocs.org) so that we will know if there are enough players for a team. The first practice will be at Huck Sansbury Tennis Courts on Monday, February 13 from 3:30 to 5 pm, weather permitting.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
graphic of bullie with tenni ball, racket
Today, Roxboro Community School (RCS) high school Principal Darkarai Bryant honored teachers Ashley Bailey and Amanda Carter with certificates for Excellence in Teaching. Bryant said the state of North Carolina recognizes teachers in certain End-of-Grade (EOG) and Advanced Placement (AP) tested subjects. It does not, however, recognize End-of-Course (EOC) tested subjects. RCS wanted to recognize Bailey and Carter for their efforts. Both teachers' students exceeded growth according to EVAAS, (Education Value Added Assessment System) which means the students had more than a year's growth in the subject area. So, said Bryant, "we wanted to recognize Mrs. Bailey for Excellence in Teaching Biology and Mrs. Carter for Excellence in Teaching Math III. Both are to be commended for their dedication to their students."
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
two teachers and principal with certificates
Middle school softball will be in the weight room tomorrow, February 8, from 3:30 to 4:45 pm. Tryouts for middle school softball will start on Monday, February 20, from 3:30 to 5:15 at Bushy Fork.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with baseball in mouth
Winter sport pictures are back. Student athletes should go by the coaches offices to pick up their pictures.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in front of camera
Middle school baseball workouts will be at Optimist Park tomorrow, Tuesday, February 7, from 3:45 to 5 pm.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
baby bullie with baseball glove
Registration for the March Driver Education class will be Monday, February 13 at 3 pm. Students should check earlier than 3.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie driving toy car
We want to wish a happy National School Counseling Week to our wonderful counselors Suzy Horton and LaTonya Ragland. We are #bulldogproud of them and grateful for all they do.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
school counseling week flyer
Should my high school student take CP, Honors or AP classes? How should my student best prepare to have the opportunity to take PCC classes? What electives are available for my student? These questions and more will be answered February 16 at the RCS Curriculum Night. Rising ninth graders are highly encouraged to attend, but rising 10th -12th graders are welcome as well. This is also a great opportunity to meet the high school staff. Please join us for this pre-registration event on Thursday, February 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the RCS multipurpose room.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie at student desk
Interact Club will meet Tuesday, February 7, immediately after school, in Mr. Bryant's office.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
interact logo
The JV game against Henderson Collegiate tonight is canceled, BUT the Varsity teams will play at 6 pm here at RCS.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with basketball
The RCS Middle School Student Council will hold a bake sale on Tuesday, February 7. Please bring in money for goodies and support Student Council!
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in chef's hat with cookies
High school boys interested in playing tennis this spring should email Coach Bettendorf (bettendorfjl@roxborocs.org) so that we will know if there are enough players for a team. The first practice will be at Huck Sansbury Tennis Courts on Monday, February 13 from 3:30 to 5 pm, weather permitting.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
graphic of bullie with tennis racket, ball
Ten RCS teachers were honored today for Excellence in Teaching. They received bonuses from the state in January for student performance. Pictured, from left, Christy King, Ashley Bailey, Dennis Abline, Chari Denny, Valerie Smith, Leigh Charles, Jason Bell, Heather Lewis and Keegan Storrs. Not pictured is Kristin Davis. We are #bulldogproud of these educators and their dedication to their students.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
teachers with certificates
High school baseball workouts today will be at the Hit Lab from 3:45 to 5 pm.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with baseball in mouth
Middle and high school girls' Indoor Soccer is cancelled on Saturday, February 4.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in red cap with soccer ball
Middle school baseball workouts will be at the Sandlot tomorrow, Thursday, February 2, from 3:30 to 4:45 pm.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with baseball glove