Don't forget to Spring Forward, Bulldogs! Daylight SavingsTime begins Sunday, March 12, at 2 am.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
spring forward
Tomorrow, Friday, March 10 is a teacher workday. There will be no classes for students. Classes will resume Monday, March 13.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie at computer
RCS seeks knowledgeable, passionate, and experienced coaches to help build our Bulldog athletic programs. Successful candidates must enjoy working with student-athletes, possess the ability to take initiative, and demonstrate a strong work ethic while maintaining a positive attitude. We currently have fall vacancies for Middle School Coed Cross Country, Middle School Girls' Tennis, and High School Women's Tennis. Contact Justin Jones at 336-597-0020, ext. 427. Please send an email of interest and/or resume to
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
coach's whistle
The RCS HOSA Club hosted an American Red Cross blood drive today, and 32 blood products were collected. Thank you to all who helped and donated! #bulldogproud
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
students hosting blood drive
Don't forget to vote for RCS, our teachers, principals, athletes and coaches! #bulldogproud
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
best of person county
MathCounts Club meets again on March 22!
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
mathcounts flyer
RCS students, would you like to help beautify Roxboro and Person County?
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
litter sweep flyer
litter sweep flyer
RCS Seeks the Following Positions for the 2023-2024 School Year: Middle School Principal High School English Teacher High School Math Teacher Exceptional Children Teacher Physical Education Teacher/Athletic Director Visit for more information. RCS, a public charter school, offers students in grades 6-12 a college preparatory course of study in a small, nurturing environment. RCS participates in the North Carolina State retirement and State Health Plan, and offers the Pierce Group Flexible benefits program and a $10,000 life and accidental death and dismemberment policy at no cost to employees.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS crest
Last November, RCS seniors were given the opportunity to "Buy a Brick" to help beautify the area near Mrs. Cox's room. The money was added to funds that are used for senior activities and the senior gift. The bricks were sold for $25 and "engraved" with the student's name and the image they chose. It is hoped that this will become a tradition for each graduating class. Twenty-seven members of the Class of 2023 bought a brick. Julia Stovall and Zane Lappin painted the bricks. #bulldogproud
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
two girls with class of 23 sign
Interact will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, March 7, immediately after school, in Mr. Bryant's office.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
Interact logo
Vote for RCS as Best School! Vote for Mr. Bryant and Mrs. Ingram as Best Principal! Vote for RCS teachers and staff! Vote!!!
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
vote best of person county
Come enjoy the RCS High School Band and Jazz Band Concert tomorrow, Tuesday, March 7, at 7 pm in the multipurpose room.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
band concert flyer
Registration for the May Driver Education class will open Monday, March 13 at 4 pm at Students should check earlier than 4. RCS students must pay at the Person County Schools Central Office, 304 S. Morgan St., Roxboro. The class will run May 8-18, from 5:30 to 8 pm daily.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie in play car
March is Youth Art Month, and the RCS visual arts classes have works on display in the lobby of the Person County Public Library. #bulldogproud
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
student art display
To watch today's RCS Enrollment Lottery live online, go to or
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
Lottery balls
There will not be a middle school baseball game today. Practice will be at Optimist Park from 3:45 to 5 pm.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie with baseball and glove
RCS seeks a Middle School Principal beginning July 1, 2023. Candidates must have a North Carolina Teacher's License, a North Carolina Principal's License, a Master's Degree in School Administration from an accredited institution, and three to five years' experience. The Middle School Principal serves as the chief administrator of Roxboro Community Middle School and is expected to provide instructional leadership to school staff and to work cooperatively with all stakeholders in order to provide the educational development of each student as well as the professional growth of each staff member. The School Principal supervises and directs personnel, facilities, and programs in the assigned school. Download an application at Please send resumes and/or direct questions to Dave Ebert, Managing Executive Director, at or call 336-597-0020.
almost 2 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS crest
RCS needs help this summer to paint, move furniture and perform other custodial tasks. Pay is $10 per hour. Applications are available at the front desk. Interested current sophomores, juniors and seniors are asked to complete and return applications to Mrs.Graham before April 6. Students must have their own transportation.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
graphic of bullie with paint brush
Friday, March 3 will be a Jeans Day. The $2 donation will support the RCS in Spain trip.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
bullie wearing hoodie and jeans
The 2023-2024 RCS Enrollment Period ends March 1. Our Lottery will be held online on March 2 at 4:30 pm. For Current Students: Parents/Guardians still have time to complete the quick online "Student Intent to Return" form to let us know whether your student(s) will be returning to RCS next year. Please use this link: . Paper forms are also available at the Front Desk. For Students New to RCS Next Year: The deadline was extended, so we are accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year through March 1. Visit for more information and to apply. Extremely Important: This also applies to siblings of current RCS students who will be coming to RCS for the first time next year. Siblings enrolling for the first time MUST complete an application by March 1. With our new online lottery this year, siblings will still be given priority, but they MUST complete an application to be entered into the lottery. Otherwise the computer system will automatically place them on a waiting list! Lottery: Our Lottery for the 2023-2024 school year will be livestreamed beginning at 4:30 pm on Thursday, March 2. A link to the livestream will be available on the RCS website ( at 4 pm. Virtual attendance is not required. A link to the recording will be posted on the Enrollment page of the RCS website. Immediately after the computerized lottery is run, parents will receive emails and text messages from Lotterease letting them know whether their student was selected in the lottery or was placed on a waiting list. Please check your SPAM folder to ensure you can receive messages from Lotterease. If you have any questions, please contact Jodi DeVillier, RCS Registrar, at or 336.597.0020, ext 322.
about 2 years ago, RCS Communications
Lotterease logo