The middle school boys’ baseball team is regular season champion and won the conference tournament tonight against East Wake. We are #bulldogproud of these guys!
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
MS baseball team
RCS senior cross country runner Sydney Fryman signed a letter of intent today to run with Averett University next year. Congratulations, Sydney! We are #bulldogproud of you!
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Sydney signing
Five RCS students won the Elks Americanism Essay Contest. Division I District Winners were Declan Harendeen, 1st Place and Mason Grace, 3rd. Division II winners were Zoe Godard, 1st Place; Lauren Talley, 2nd and John Stultz, 3rd. Zoe Godard also earned 3rd in State Division II.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Ellks Essay Winners Group
There is a water leak under the pavement near the greenhouse, and the plumber has to shut off the water to the school for six hours after the repair is complete. In order to avoid closing school tomorrow, the water will be shut off at 3:30 this afternoon. Because of this, the Bands Concert scheduled for 7 tonight will be moved to Thursday, May 9, at 3:30 p.m. The soccer and baseball games scheduled for this afternoon will not be affected. School will operate on normal schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, May 8.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
During Bulldogs Care Days this year, sixth grade students watched the documentary Living on One Dollar, and learned how poverty affects millions of people in rural, remote areas of the world. To raise awareness and money for the Living on One organization, students will sell friendship bracelets that they made this Thursday and Friday, May 9 and 10, in the Dining Hall during middle school lunch. Bracelets cost 50 cents to $2, and would make great Mother’s Day or Teacher Appreciation gifts! Please see Mrs. Carter with questions.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS in Spain is conducting its final Krispy Kreme sale of the year! Celebrate the end of the school year with a box of one-dozen glazed or chocolate iced doughnuts for just $10! Orders are due by Monday, May 13. Doughnuts will be delivered Friday, May 17. Please place orders using this link:
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
RCS First-Round Playoff games tomorrow, Tuesday May 7 include Soccer at RCS against Camden County High at 5 p.m.; Softball BYE; Baseball at RCS (Optimist Park) against Mitchell High at 6 p.m.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Please follow this link -- -- to view the latest Guidance Gazette.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Friday, May 10 is a Jeans Day. The $2 donation will support end-of-year awards ceremonies.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Jeans Pocket
RCS Seniors, please turn in your RSVP cards for the Senior Banquet, to be held May 23 at 6 p.m., so we can get an accurate headcount for the dinner. You can turn in cards to the front desk, call 336-597-0020, ext. 322, or email
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Parents, if you have an unpaid balance on your child's Dining Hall account, please pay TODAY. Mrs. Russ needs to balance her books, and there is a great deal owed. Go to or send cash or checks with your student. Thank you for your consideration.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
School lunch tray
The RCS High Fitness class with Lindsay Carver has been rescheduled from May 7 to May 14.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
High Fitness poster
Forms for the June 10-20 summer drivers ed bookwork are available at the front desk.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
There are only 3 middle school yearbooks and 31 high school yearbooks left for sale. Please come to Room 220 if you wish to purchase a book.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
The Teacher Appreciation Committee is asking for dining hall supervision volunteers so teachers can have duty free lunch on Monday, May 6 and Tuesday, May 7, from 11 to 11:45 a.m. and 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. To volunteer, email Suzi Martin at
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
The funds from this year's Dance for Change will be used to create a "Bulldog Bank" to assist our community with needs during times of hardship. RCS students are encouraged to recognize needs in the community and have a resource to assist. For instance, a neighbor who is sick and travels to Durham for treatments may need a gas card, a friend of the family who has to stop working to care for a family member may need a grocery gift card, or the homeless may need a gift card to Tricia's for a meal. Forms are in Mrs. Coleman’s room for students or staff to request funds to help someone. A committee will review submissions, keeping the requester and the person in need confidential, to determine the amount and how the assistance is given. Email Mrs.Coleman at with questions, or students may stop by her room.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
The RCS Seventh Grade, Eighth Grade and High School Bands will perform their annual spring concert on Tuesday, May 7, at 7 p.m., in the RCS multipurpose room. This is a free concert. Come out and hear your wonderful RCS musicians.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
7th Band
Please submit Box Tops for Education before the end of the school year, so we can get one more check this year. Ask friends and family to help out, too!
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
See the latest Volunteer View to see how to help out.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications
Vol View JPG
Drivers Education Book Work classes will be held June 10-20, in the auditorium at Southern Middle School. There will be two class sessions to choose from -- one from 8 a.m. to noon and another from noon to 4 p.m. The cost is $65. Sign up at the RCS front desk.
almost 6 years ago, RCS Communications