College Application Month
RCS seniors are hearing some great survival tips from alum Kailey Oakley.
College Application Month
RCS seniors are learning about the many scholarship opportunities available through the Person County Education Foundation.
College Application Week
RCS seniors heard about opportunities at nearby Averet University today.
College Application Month
October is College Application Month. RCS seniors are learning about applying to and entering college. They’re hearing about options offered by Piedmont Community College.
Many thanks to our community for going Crazy for Crawley!
RCS Haunted School
The Haunted School at RCS is sure to give one and all a fright on October 25 and 26, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 at the door. All proceeds benefit the RCS High School Band and Jazz Band's trip to The Smoky Mountain Music Festival in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
Holiday Extravaganza BBQ Tickets
PTSO is ready to pre-sell Holiday Extravaganza barbecue chicken plates. See Mrs. Graham at the front desk to purchase tickets or to check out tickets to sell. Money or unsold tickets must be returned no later than November 8. Anyone who signs out tickets is responsible for either selling or paying for the tickets. All monies and unsold tickets must be returned.
Volunteer Needs
Senior Class Pig Pickin'
RCS seniors and parents, if you haven't done so, please RSVP by this Thursday, October 17, for the Senior Class Pig Pickin' on November 9. A head count is needed for food. Thanks from the Senior Parent Committee.
Crazy for Crawley Fundraiser a Success
Thank you to Carrie Hawkins for her leadership, and to all who contributed to the Crazy for Crawley volleyball fundraiser last Friday. Thanks to the generosity of our community, we raised $5,057.27 to go directly to our beloved Mr. Crawley, to help him with expenses as he fights cancer. We also raised $739 to be donated to the American Cancer Society.
Community Service Hours
RCS students who need community service hours have a great (and fun!) opportunity to help out at Bethel Hill Charter School's Fall Carnival on Thursday, October 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. To volunteer and for more information, contact Suzanne Beshears at 336-599-2823, extension 239.
HS Boys Basketball workouts for today (Monday, October 14) have been CANCELLED.
Middle School and High School SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) will meet from 3-3:30 on Monday, October 14 at 3pm in room 106. All students are welcome. We will discuss our October Rock the Belt Campaign and whether or not we will attend Fall Conference.
FFA and Art Club will once again host the Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest on Wednesday October 30 after school in Mrs. Bettendorf's Room 230. The contest is open to all RCS students. Those interested should pay a $5 entry fee to Mrs. Bettendorf or Mrs. Jill Clayton by Oct 24.
Socktober and Bake Sale
Jr. Beta Club will host Socktober October 14-31. During the month, the club will collect socks to give to the Christian Help Center. Boxes will be stationed throughout the school and packs of socks can be dropped off during the morning, lunch, and after school.
Jr. Beta will also a Bake Sale October 14-18. All proceeds will go towards purchasing more packs of socks for the Christian Help Center. Baked goods can be purchased during middle school lunch.
Governor's School Nominees Sought
RCS is currently seeking nominees for the 2020 session of The North Carolina Governor's School. The Governor's School is a five and one-half week summer residential program for intellectually gifted high school students, integrating academic disciplines and the arts. The Governor's School is the oldest statewide summer residential program for academically or intellectually talented high school students in the nation. The program is open to rising seniors only, with exceptions made for rising juniors in selected performing/visual arts areas. Per the NC Board of Governors guidelines, nominees must have a national percentile score of 92% or above on an approved achievement test (examples: ACT, Pre-ACT, PSAT, SAT) OR a state percentile score of 92% or above on an allowable North Carolina End-of-Course Test (English l, English ll, Math l, Math III or Biology).
There will be a middle school girls' basketball open gym at Helena gym on Tuesday, October 15 from 3:30 - 5pm.
Boys' Basketball Reminder
High School Boys' Basketball Tryouts will be Wednesday, October 16, 4-6 p.m. at Helena Gym (295 Helena-Moriah Rd Timberlake). All players must have a current, valid physical on file. Contact Coach B with any questions at
Middle School Art Club will meet October 15th from 3-3:30 in Room 230. We will continue drawings for the RCS Holiday Card contest and discuss the FFA Pumpkin Painting contest.
High School Art Club will meet October 22nd from 3-3:30 in Room 230. Please wear old clothes for painting.
Reminder: Middle school girls’ basketball open gym tomorrow, Thursday (10/10) at Helena gym from 3:30- 5:30 pm. All participants must have a current physical on file.