Middle School
Caden Cole

This week’s middle school student spotlight is sixth grader Caden Cole! He was nominated by the sixth grade teachers! They all agreed that he is a wonderful student who is kind to everyone and shows his character through his actions. They also added he is a hard worker who tries his best and always has something interesting and relevant to add to class conversations. “Caden is a gentle soul and we are luck to have him at RCS,” they said.
Cole said it was nice to be chosen. Having just moved from out of state last year, he has adapted well to NC and RCS. He said he really enjoys being able to go from class to class every day and particularly enjoys his math class. He also said he has made friends here at RCS and likes his teachers, adding that his friends agree that he always has interesting facts to add to conversations.
High School
Alexander Heindselman
This week’s high school student spotlight is junior, Alexander Heindselman! He was nominated by HS Principal Jeremy Martin. He shared that Heindselman is not only a great academic student with a passion for RCS, but he is also a student-athlete who shows high character on and off the field. High school math teacher, Amanda Carter described Heindselman as an “old soul with a huge heart.”
Heindselman said it was cool to hear he was nominated, especially by the principal. Along with playing soccer and baseball, he is also a member of the Sr. Beta Club and Student Council. He also hopes to start a new club next year. According to multiple of his teachers, he is also a lover of history. Heindsleman shared that he enjoys being at RCS because of the people, which includes his classmates and his teachers. He has been able to develop good relationships with his teachers as well, describing them all as “very welcoming.”