RCS Students at Person County Museum of History

This year's first Bulldog Care Day on September 27, 2023 was a success! See what students and teachers did to serve the community!

High school science students in Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Conner and Mrs. McCormick’s classes completed trail maintenance on all three nature trails at the Rock Athletic Complex. They also cleaned up trash in the area, cleaned ball field signage and cleaned up the sandbox area. 

Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Meadows' math classes worked on the azalea flower beds at Optimist Park. 

Mrs. Haga's class made teacher “goodie bags” to take to local elementary schools.

Mrs. Clayton’s 6th graders helped pick up trash around the school grounds!

Mrs. Bettendorf and Mrs. Jill Clayton's classes replanted the flower bed around the sign at Earl Bradsher school.

Mrs. Oliver's class went to Roxboro Assisted Living and played Bingo with residents.

Mrs. Albachten’s class went to the Person County Animal Shelter and helped care for the animals and clean the shelter. 

Mrs. Cobb’s class went to the American Legion and sorted flags for veterans’ graves.

Mrs. Lewis’ class went to South Elementary School and worked with students and teachers.

Mrs. Porter’s class went to BHCS and worked with students in STEM, Science, and Art classes. 

Mrs. Miller’s class volunteered at the Partnership for Children, organizing and cleaning up in their space!



Mrs. Payne’s, Mrs. Harris’, and Mrs. King, took their classes to the Person County Museum of History and helped with yard work and general organization.